everything I do … I do for you!

Image result for it's who I am

Ya know, I’ve tried to put myself in a box before. I’ve finally realized there is no box. I have no letters that ‘define’ me. There are no boundaries to “me” … whether it be teaching others about how to feed their horses, trim their hooves, teach them horsemanship or cooking the day’s dinner or planting an organic garden or learning to cook and heal or learn about herbs, homeopathy and alternative health. Or, maybe teaching someone to play the piano or guitar or writing a new song or, painting or making paper or lettering a sign or – best of all, PRAISING YAH …
It’s all *me* … all 72+ years of … me.

You’ve found me somehow and for some reason. I don’t believe you landed here by accident. I believe there’s a reason and I believe that God’s led you to me.


My ‘gift’ from God is to SERVE … to help and guide and teach and serve and share what He’s blessed me with.

Whatever He’s led me to learn over the years I am to share with you.

So while I may seem scattered to some, (some have called me an “airhead” lol) I’m really focused on the task at hand … the most important task is to wake every morning and thank God for my breathe, my life and then to ask Him,

“OK, Abba … what’s up for today?”

And then, I have to LISTEN.
LISTEN carefully.

So if you’re here just out of curiosity to see who I am and what I do, welcome!
If you’re here with a particular interest or question, I’d love to chat with you!
Don’t be shy.
Abba didn’t lead you here for nothing …

Be Blessed, My Friend.
Be Blessed.

Send me a message at m.me/gwenyth.santagate or text to me at 860-744-4227 or even call me at 774-280-4227 and yes, let’s chat and see why you were directed here.

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