Discover the real power of homeopathy-the treatment that makes a real difference!

This course covers the basic concepts of homeopathy and its application for various first-aid applications.
–Intro to Homeopathy (HOM100 course FREE $125 value)
–Acute vs Chronic or Constitutional Prescribing
–50 Emergency Remedies
–Methods of Administration
–Guideline for Acute Treatment
–Case Taking
–The Organon by Samuel Hahnemann
–and so much more.
One can choose to study for personal or professional purposes. The curriculum is flexible where one can learn as much as one wants—from taking care of family, farm and pets to becoming a health care professional.

PAYPAL: send payment to
VENMO: @Gwenyth-Santagate
PAYMENTS: $35.00 a week for 10 weeks payable through automatic payments with PAYPAL

For more information and to register:
TEXT: 774-280-4227
CALL: 774-280-4227

2023-The Season for Change

As the world gets more and more convoluted, I aim to simplify and become more and more, well, simple. I don’t mean that as simple-minded as I am not, by a long shot, simple-minded. Sometimes I wish I were. I think life would be so much easier if that were the case. But as it stands now, the all-seeing eyes of technology have really gotten under my skin. I’m ready for reality in the dirt – in the rich, life-giving dirt that produces our food and feeds our critters.
I’m ready to start my seeds, nurture them, feed them and get them ready to plant in the gardens.
I’m ready to, once again, play in the fields with the horses and get back to the simplicity of life as God intended.
I wish to no longer be held hostage by technology … by my pc, my phone, my laptop, my kindle.
Once again, I’ll begin to purchase real books – books with paper pages to turn and smell and feel. Right now, I can only imagine sitting out under one of our apple trees and reading printed words on paper.
The cool, dank, dreary winter days lend themselves to imagining and inwardly feeling what the days to come will be like.
Days filled with the scent of fresh herbs and sprouting vegetables.
Days filled with lazing around with no deadlines, no beeps, no fussy laptop thumb pads … days filled with getting honest, wholesome dirt under my fingernails and fuzzy, spring-shedding fur that clings to me as if I were a fur-magnet.
Days filled with new friends stopping by to pick up some freshly picked veggies for dinner and a glass of cold ice-tea.

The mindful imaginings of what’s to come after the winter’s cold fades into the warming of the spring sun … and the sound of birds nesting and chirping their wormy findings.

I reassure myself that Spring is on its way. It’s coming. There will be changes here on PENZANCE … for the season to come. Stay tuned.

2022 SPRING – Here we come!

Blue skies, warm sun, new leaves on the trees, the smell of fresh grass and the sound of peepers in the ponds. New little critters adding to the wild sanctuaries in the woods and in the lazy little river here on PENZANCE – I couldn’t be MORE ready!

What about you? Are you ready?

With the imminent arrival of SPRING 2022 I am finally preparing to initiate the return calling of PENZANCE’s Womens’ Equine Assisted Ministry and Bible Studies.

For years PENZANCE was a sanctuary in Douglas, Massachusetts for women from all walks of life. A place to come to explore the peace of the Holy Spirit and the unconditional love that God has for each one of us. It was a place to grow, to develop new thoughts, make new friends (both equine AND human) and, well, – to experience the original meaning of the name Penzance,

“God’s Holy Headland; the place for Spiritual Growth”.

Now, in the “Quiet Corner” of Connecticut, in Canterbury, PENZANCE has been rehomed and renewed! The horses, ponies and donkeys are ready to meet some new friends and to get back to “work”. Although, we know that their ‘work’ is simply being who they are as God created them to be — our teachers.

But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you.” –Job 12:7-8

Hand stroking horse Loving touch - horse and the owner. Female hand stroking hors on the head. hugging  horse stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

There is no riding the horses or ponies here (they are rescues and all have physical or emotional traumas that prevent them being put under a rider) BUT their simple presence, their very spirits can teach us so much of that unconditional love that our Father pours out on us – they exude our Father’s love and patience with us. Most times, the very simple act of merely sitting near them in the field allows our spirits to truly LISTEN to what Father is saying to us through His Word and through His presence. It allows us to tune in and HEAR His Word – that Word intended specifically for our own, individual spirits.

We read God’s Word.

We study and learn what He has for us during the time here.

We learn to worship and praise and sing and dance; or write and draw and paint and fully embrace ALL that God and His Son, His Holy Spirit, has for us – each in our own unique way.

Sometimes we simply sit in HIS presence and hear that still small voice that explodes our hearts and souls.

Groups, Semi-private and Individuals welcomed.

If you’d like to visit please send me a message for more information – or text to me, 774-280-4227.

Are you ready?

I am.

In love and wonderment of our amazing Father … ❤️‍🔥

Don’t Give Up on Your Dream …

Never Give Up on Your Dreams! … are you a beginner horse lover over the age of 18 who has little to no horse experience and would like to learn the beginning foundations of horsemanship?
Or, perhaps you’ve not been around horses for years and would like to get connected with them again? Have you always wanted to learn “natural” and kind horsemanship – learning how they think and feel and how to relate to them on a higher level?
Are you an older or Senior Lady who would love to live out your little girl’s dream?
Having recently moved to Canterbury, CT we at PENZANCE Equine Integrative Solutions are now ready to accept private and semi-private appointments that cover the foundational aspects of horsemanship including handling horses, grooming, leading, controling the hooves, how horses think and equine behavior and much more.
No riding involved.
Private and semi-private sessions (1 – 1/2 hrs each sessons) and small groups (up to 4) 3 hr sessions.
A series of (3) sessions: Private $75 per session; Semi-private $50 pp per session. Groups $150 pp per 3-hr session (with 4 participants).
3 Session Program – Packages for 3 sessions paid in full at least 2 weeks prior to start of program – PRIVATE $195 Semi-private $140 pp, Groups $400 pp for (3) 3 hr. sessions. $50 of full payment non-refundable up to 1 week prior to start. Total unrefundable within 1 week to the start and after program begins.
WINTER sessions begin December 10th on Mons, Tues. and Fridays in Canterbury, CT.
In the case of inclement weather sessions are postponed to following week.
Contact Gwenyth Santagate at or call (860) 556-9199 and leave message, please.

Anytime Detox Juice


3 stalks kale
2 stalks celery
1 lime
1 apple
1 cucumber
1 drop Cilantro Essential Oil

The culinary uses and additional benefits of Cilantro have been documented for centuries. Cilantro promotes healthy digestion and acts as a powerful cleanser and detoxifier for the body.* Applied topically, Cilantro is very soothing and cooling to the skin, and it adds a fresh, herbal aroma to any essential oil blend when diffused. Cilantro’s culinary uses are endless, adding a flavorful twist to meats, salads, dips, and guacamole.


PS .. this can be made and drizzled over your horse’s “salad” for added health benefits. They LOVE this stuff!

I do Life with Horses …

gwendiego2-300x269Today, 7 years ago on Facebook I wrote a note. It said —

“They are an integral part of *us* in terms of they have something to share with us each time we stroke them, smell them, see them — they are just like us only in ‘horse’ clothing. Learn to connect with your OWN horse and realize that you are on a path with your own horse that no one else can walk.” — Dec. 1, 2009

It was one of those paradigms … those life-changing moments when something really, I mean REALLY hits you. Yes, our horses are spirits in horse bodies – just like we’re spirits in human bodies. It was something that twisted and turned and smoothed out in the gut during contemplation. It now is the flowing base of my connection with any horse. It is truly amazing. Beyond words, way beyond the carrot stick and the bit and saddle. It is … life in spirit.

I do “life” with horses. They’ve been ‘life’ blood for me since before I was born, I believe. I just said it yesterday to my beloved sister – horses and the ocean … they’re both my blood and I no longer make excuses for that. There are no excuses. Nor should there have to be. As much as I need air to breathe I need horses and the ocean to be whole. No one questions why I need air. Why question, “Why horses?” Jesus made me that way – and HE knows. HE understands. I just wish it hadn’t taken me a lifetime to understand.

Yep, I do “life” with horses. I AM one with horses in spirit. It’s who I am.

8 Reasons You Should Drink Ginger Juice in the Morning!

Ginger is a herb but is often known as a spice, with a strong distinct flavor that can increase the production of saliva. It has been a staple for Chinese medicine for more than 2,500 years. It is packed with essential nutrients and rejuvenating compounds. Ginger juice contains essential oil called gingerols that give ginger its strong zingy aroma and pungent flavour. It has anti-nausea, anti-spasmodic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral properties that can do wonders for our health.

I LOVE Ginger!  Ginger tea, Ginger Juice, as a seasoning — and it’s got wonderful healing properties!   … To find out how to make this and to read more about Ginger, go here:

8 Reasons You Should Drink Ginger Juice in the Morning! How to Make This?

Every living thing on our planet has an energy field – the world is full of energy fields all interacting with each other. Some species are more sensitive to energy than others: horses are incredibly aware of and in tune with it, whereas we humans seem, for the most part, to have lost our connection to and awareness of it. –

For years I’ve been harping on energy, intent, intuitiveness with horses, etc. etc. … and this article sums it all up very nicely.

I LOVE when I find others who are in tune with life’s energies. And I LOVE when someone asks me about it all and is wanting to learn! I get excited to be able to help someone discover how their energy and intent can not only help their relationships with their horses, but their relationships with other people as well.

Learning about our horses’ energies will directly affect our own energy and how we use it. It can, if we allow, change our entire world!

Be sure to read this article.  I know you’ll enjoy it!
And if you’re interesting in learning about all this, call me +1 (239) 573-9687 or email to me –  I can help you no matter where you are in the world! 🙂 Remember — we’re all connected.