2023-The Season for Change

As the world gets more and more convoluted, I aim to simplify and become more and more, well, simple. I don’t mean that as simple-minded as I am not, by a long shot, simple-minded. Sometimes I wish I were. I think life would be so much easier if that were the case. But as it stands now, the all-seeing eyes of technology have really gotten under my skin. I’m ready for reality in the dirt – in the rich, life-giving dirt that produces our food and feeds our critters.
I’m ready to start my seeds, nurture them, feed them and get them ready to plant in the gardens.
I’m ready to, once again, play in the fields with the horses and get back to the simplicity of life as God intended.
I wish to no longer be held hostage by technology … by my pc, my phone, my laptop, my kindle.
Once again, I’ll begin to purchase real books – books with paper pages to turn and smell and feel. Right now, I can only imagine sitting out under one of our apple trees and reading printed words on paper.
The cool, dank, dreary winter days lend themselves to imagining and inwardly feeling what the days to come will be like.
Days filled with the scent of fresh herbs and sprouting vegetables.
Days filled with lazing around with no deadlines, no beeps, no fussy laptop thumb pads … days filled with getting honest, wholesome dirt under my fingernails and fuzzy, spring-shedding fur that clings to me as if I were a fur-magnet.
Days filled with new friends stopping by to pick up some freshly picked veggies for dinner and a glass of cold ice-tea.

The mindful imaginings of what’s to come after the winter’s cold fades into the warming of the spring sun … and the sound of birds nesting and chirping their wormy findings.

I reassure myself that Spring is on its way. It’s coming. There will be changes here on PENZANCE … for the season to come. Stay tuned.

2022 SPRING – Here we come!

Blue skies, warm sun, new leaves on the trees, the smell of fresh grass and the sound of peepers in the ponds. New little critters adding to the wild sanctuaries in the woods and in the lazy little river here on PENZANCE – I couldn’t be MORE ready!

What about you? Are you ready?

With the imminent arrival of SPRING 2022 I am finally preparing to initiate the return calling of PENZANCE’s Womens’ Equine Assisted Ministry and Bible Studies.

For years PENZANCE was a sanctuary in Douglas, Massachusetts for women from all walks of life. A place to come to explore the peace of the Holy Spirit and the unconditional love that God has for each one of us. It was a place to grow, to develop new thoughts, make new friends (both equine AND human) and, well, – to experience the original meaning of the name Penzance,

“God’s Holy Headland; the place for Spiritual Growth”.

Now, in the “Quiet Corner” of Connecticut, in Canterbury, PENZANCE has been rehomed and renewed! The horses, ponies and donkeys are ready to meet some new friends and to get back to “work”. Although, we know that their ‘work’ is simply being who they are as God created them to be — our teachers.

But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you.” –Job 12:7-8

Hand stroking horse Loving touch - horse and the owner. Female hand stroking hors on the head. hugging  horse stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

There is no riding the horses or ponies here (they are rescues and all have physical or emotional traumas that prevent them being put under a rider) BUT their simple presence, their very spirits can teach us so much of that unconditional love that our Father pours out on us – they exude our Father’s love and patience with us. Most times, the very simple act of merely sitting near them in the field allows our spirits to truly LISTEN to what Father is saying to us through His Word and through His presence. It allows us to tune in and HEAR His Word – that Word intended specifically for our own, individual spirits.

We read God’s Word.

We study and learn what He has for us during the time here.

We learn to worship and praise and sing and dance; or write and draw and paint and fully embrace ALL that God and His Son, His Holy Spirit, has for us – each in our own unique way.

Sometimes we simply sit in HIS presence and hear that still small voice that explodes our hearts and souls.

Groups, Semi-private and Individuals welcomed.

If you’d like to visit please send me a message for more information – m.me/gwenyth.santagate or text to me, 774-280-4227.

Are you ready?

I am.

In love and wonderment of our amazing Father … ❤️‍🔥




TO: gwen.Santagate@gmail.com

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What is the opposite of bucking? “Not bucking” you say? Nope, that’s not it. What is the opposite of “jigging”? Nope, wrong again. It’s not “not jigging”. What is the opposite of shoving? Hmmmm, “not shoving”? Nope … read on, my Friend. (Yep, its an oldie but goodie!)

Opposite Illusions

– Gwenyth Browning Jones Santagate © Aug 8, 2005
What is the opposite of bucking? “Not bucking” you say? Nope, that’s not it. What is the opposite of “jigging”? Nope, wrong again. It’s not “not jigging”. What is the opposite of shoving? Hmmmm, “not shoving”? Nope … read on, my Friend.

For every action there is a reaction and for every action there is a counterpart that is the opposite. The opposite of “bucking” would be walking forward. The opposite of shoving would be backing up. The opposite of jigging would be standing still or walking forward quietly. Instead of “punishing” an unwanted behavior in a horse why not think in terms of changing the negative behavior to a positive one and being able to reward your horse for doing something “right”. In essence, teaching the horse to do something else INSTEAD OF the offensive behavior? Give the horse a choice between the behaviors and making the “right choice” a rewarded experience. Sound pretty funky to you? Well, let’s take this scenario;

Susie has a 10 year old QH that is highly bred and extremely versatile. Susie has good riding background but limited ground training. (Notice that I said “Susie” has limited ground training vs. the horse having limited ground training!) … Roger, the QH, INSISTS on flying out the stall door whenever its opened, completely disregarding poor little Susie who tries desperately to stay out of his way yet at the same time, hang onto him. Susie’s trainer has suggested that everytime Roger begins to bolt out of the stall that Susie whack him on the chest with the crop. Susie’s TRIED to do this but Roger seems to be totally oblivious to Susie and her crop and manages every time to just keep on bargin’ through, dragging little Susie behind him. By now you’re thinking “I’d get a chain over that horse’s nose and that horse would learn a lesson or two!” Ah ha! What KIND of lesson would he learn? To be more respectful of Susie or the human standing in his way? Or would he learn to respond to pain, confusion, frustration and determination to get out of the stall and the experience even more quickly?

Horses naturally want to get along with their herd members. Part of their social interaction is learning to get along. Learning their own place within the herd and learning to respect those above them in rank. Horses are, by nature, gentle animals with extremely strong ideas about “fairness”. Doesn’t seem fair to me to punish Roger for barging out of the stall when all he wants to do is be a horse and get outdoors to move!

By whacking, or “punishing” Roger everytime he heeds his natural instinct as a horse without giving him a BETTER choice that helps him to stay safe and comfortable, Susie is doing nothing more than helping Roger build up his resentment and fear of humans and to learn to respond to a situation that gives him pain. So let’s think on this a bit. …

What could Susie DO, proactively, to 1. stop Roger from barging through and over her and 2. to keep Roger’s sensitive respect intact without adding fear or resentment to the equation? (You know that fear causes the horse to flight. That’s one of his primary behavioral standards.)

  1. Barging through and over human – represents lack of respect for one *supposedly* higher ranking. Represents the need to get out of confinement is greater than the need to be respsectful. Represents the “punishment” is not as strong of a stimulus as getting outside and responding to a natural instinctive call. — Issue of repecting higher ranking individual: Not the horse’s fault. Human needs to establish rank in a manner which the horse can understand. — Issue of the stronger instinctual behavior: There is no other motivator involved to override the instinctual need to get out of confinement. If confinement is associated with a pleasant experience that overrides the desire to leave, the horse will stick around! Food rewards, scritch rewards, etc. for a “right” behavior can override as motivators to initiate desired response in behaviors.

What is the opposite of barging? Standing still. Sub-Opposite behavior = waiting for appropriate cue to respectfully walk as leader requests.

Food as motivating behavior modification = MARKING the horse’s appropriate behavior at the INSTANT of that behavior then rewarding with a small enough tidbit as to motivate the horse to want more. (Please note that food rewards CAN be given from small bucket instead of hand if so desired. The transporter of the reward is not as important as the reward, itself.)

Bribery, you say? No. M-o-t-i-v-a-t-i-o-n. Every mammal needs motivation to execute a behavior. The level of motivation must exceed other motivators in strength in order to prompt behavior. In other words, would you rather “work” for a pat on the head or a homemade chocolate cookie? Personally, the chocolate chip cookie wins hands down for me!

How to teach the opposite of Barging … that is, standing still or stepping backwards

backwards away from human at stall door (better choice of behavior to teach)

Behavior desired = stepping backwards 3 steps when stall door is opened and waiting, respectfully, for human to request forward motion. Must break down the behavior as it is comprised of several “steps”. 1st step would be to step backwards instead of barging forward.

Set up a cue that you can use consistently when asking the horse to back up for you. Choose your “marker” of behavior, that is the audible sound you will use to indicate to the horse that it has executed the proper behavior. A mechanical clicker will work, a tongue click, a “kiss” sound, a “cluck” sound … a verbal Good! … whatever works for YOU but sound must be clear, crisp, short and easily identifiable by the horse. (I’ll use “click” just as the marker word for this article)

Begin teaching the horse what a marker is:

“click!” and give 1 or 2 Cheerios as “reward”. Repeat this process until your horse associates your marker sound with the reward. Now you’re ready to begin simple exercise of backing up 3 steps.

Ask horse to back up – use pressure and voice command. Instant the horse even thinks to back up, “click” and reward. Repeat several times until you’re receiving 100% result.

Ask horse to now actually move body backwards (vs. merely indicating he’s “thinking” about it) … give the cue to back and keep the pressure on the horse until he actually MOVES his body back one step. Click! Reward. Repeat until horse is responding 100%.

Now, do the same again but ask for 2 steps back. Then 3 and … now you’ve taught the horse the OPPOSITE of barging through you – you’ve taught him to respectfully back up 3 steps away from you! You’ve given him a CHOICE of behaviors to execute when you open that stall door. (Susie, this really isn’t difficult – just takes a bit of time and patience.)

Ready to teach him to stand still? (2nd part of the overall behavior that you’re trying to reach)

Now that you have the horse backing up, ask him “Whoa” … if he moves forward, ask him to back up and CLICK! and REWARD the second his stands without moving. Repeat and gradually request that he stand longer and longer until YOU say, “OK! Good job! NOW you may walk through the stall door!”

door!” … So now you’ve added more to the exercises by teaching the horse another opposite of “barging” behavior. You’ve taught him to stand still. Standing still is a CHOICE the horse makes which makes the behavior a decision and not an empty, thoughtless behavior.

Think of the difference between, “I’m not doing anything!” and … “I’m doing nothing.” Two completely different behaviors. “Doing nothing” is a decision based behavior. “I’m not doing anything” is a thoughtless, lacking in thought, of doing anything. So, the opposite of “I’m not doing anything” is … “I’m doing *nothing*.” In essence, I’m also saying that we’re teaching the barging horse to “do nothing” while standing quietly and waiting for his human to request forward movement. So, another “opposite” of barging would be to do “nothing”.

Whenever you’re working around a horse it is imperative to always think of the consequences of what YOUR behavior and requests will reap from the horse. Every action has a reaction. Our requests have reactions from the horse. They can be thoughtless reactions or they can be thought-FILLED choices that the horse makes.

Every action has an opposite. Think of the opposite actions that your horse chooses to execute today for you and start teaching him the proper action/behavior that you REALLY want.

Bucking? Move forward. Rearing? Move forward. Barging? Step back and wait. Jigging? Walk quietly. Doesn’t lift hoof? Lift hoof! Doesn’t lead? Give to pressure.

Think of your opposites and start working on them today. You’ll have a safer day and a much more pleasant relationship with your horse.

  1. Susie? If that’s you, drop me an email if you’re still getting “stuck” in front of your barging horse and I’ll see what I can do for you! Simply write to gwen.santagate@gmail.com!


Acupressure for Horses Explained

By Casie Bazay, NBCAAM

Acupressure, which uses finger pressure on specific points on the body, has been around for thousands of years, and is believed to actually pre-date acupuncture (which uses needles to stimulate those points instead).  Both acupressure and acupuncture are a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and are used all over the world now on humans and animals alike.

In order to understand how acupressure works, you must first understand how TCM views the body.  In TCM, the body is not seen as being made up of many various parts, but instead as one whole, integrated system.  The mind, body, and spirit are all connected as a single entity.  A life force, known as Chi (Qi) flows throughout the body via meridians, or internal pathways. There are said to be 12 major meridians, each one named for the internal organ with which it is associated.

Chi has two major aspects:  Yin and Yang, which are opposite, but mutually dependent on one another.  If the body is healthy, Yin and Yang are considered to be perfect balance.  In an unhealthy body, Yin and Yang are out of balance, and physical symptoms often arise if the imbalance is not soon resolved.  Acupressure can help to restore the balance of Yin and Yang within the body.

Each if the 12 Major Meridians contains acu-points, usually at specific anatomical locations.  When an imbalance occurs in the body, Chi is said to be obstructed.  By applying pressure on specific acu-points, Chi can be released to flow freely throughout the body once again, and the balance of Yin and Yang can be restored.

In recent years, Western Medicine has sought to understand acupressure and explain it in terms more comprehensible to the Western World.  Although there are some aspects of acupressure and TCM that are nearly impossible to translate into Western terms, many Western scientists believe that acupressure (or acupuncture) stimulates the body’s ability to produce endorphins (natural painkillers).

Acupressure is becoming much more accepted in the Western world and is often used in conjunction with Western medical treatments.  Some effects of acupressure include:

  • reducing pain
  • relieving muscle spasms
  • resolving injuries more quickly by removing toxins and increasing blood supply
  • enhancing mental clarity
  • releasing natural cortisone to reduce swelling
  • building the body’s immune system

Acupressure Technique

When applying acupressure to your horse, typically the forefinger or thumb is used.  Light pressure is usually preferable and  is tolerated by most horses.  Extreme sensitivity in an acu-point usually indicates excess Chi in that area.  Pressure is usually applied to each selected acu-point for 10-20 seconds or until a release, or visible sign such as licking/chewing, head-lowering, yawning, etc., is shown by the horse.

To see how acupressure is applied go here:  https://youtu.be/3iZwb6iXCO4

Acupressure for Horses Explained