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Healing Qualities of 18 Herbs

Arnica flowers: Can help treat physical trauma, bruises, strains, and occasional muscle pain. Use immediately after strenuous exertion or injury to prevent, relieve, and reduce swelling, bruises and pain.

Burdock root: For skin infections.

Calendula flowers: Wonderfully healing with all-around healing properties useful for a wide variety of skin irritations and conditions including wounds, insect bites, rashes, scrapes, abrasions, cuts, and much more. Suitable for sensitive skin and babies.

Cayenne Pepper: Warming, good for occasional sore muscles, alleviates occasional pain, and itching.

Chamomile flowers: Minor abrasions, cuts, scrapes, and wounds.

Chickweed: Soothing, helps with skin conditions, minor burns, and other skin irritations.

Comfrey leaf and/or root: Relieves occasional pain, swelling, supports muscle, cartilage, and bone. Assists with healing a wide variety of conditions.

Echinacea herb and/or root: Beneficial for minor sores, wounds, insect bites, and stings.

Ginger root: Warming, use for occasional sore muscles.

Goldenseal leaf and/or root: Useful for treating minor wounds and skin conditions.

Lavender flowers: Soothing, calming, relieves occasional pain, has healing properties beneficial for minor wounds and numerous skin conditions.

Myrrh Gum powder: Used for cuts, scrapes, scratches, and abrasions.

Nettle leaf: An effective herb for many skin conditions.

Oregon Grape root: Skin disinfectant for minor wounds.

Plantain leaf: Helps speed the recovery process, relieves and soothes insect bites and stings, poison ivy, itching, minor sores, bruises, blisters, and damaged skin.

St. John’s Wort: Craft the deep red-colored oil from fresh flowers. Beneficial for minor wounds, cuts, bruises, insect bites and stings, nerve support, scrapes, and minor burns.

Thyme: Used for cuts, scrapes, and occasional sore muscles.

Yarrow Flowers: Apply to bruises, minor wounds, cuts, scrapes, and areas with swelling and bleeding.

14 Medicinal Herbs You Can Grow


Here’s an A to Z guide to the medicinal herbs that relieve common ailments like indigestion, stress, anxiety, sunburn, headaches, coughs, colds, and more.

From Reader’s Digest online … SLIDESHOW!

Doesn’t matter if you live in an apartment or on a suburban lot … and of course, you can grow these if you’re on a farm … container gardening is a great way to make a nice, productive healing herbal garden.  Most of them can be grown INDOORS with plenty of sunlight fairly easily, too!

In this slide show from Reader’s Digest you’ll find some simple plants to grow listed with their particular properties.   Enjoy!


13 Best Medicinal Herbs for Your Survival Garden

In these uncertain times, more and more people are gardening for practical
purposes. Being able to grow your own food gives you an edge in terms of
independence and ability to get the most for your food dollar.

The same is true of being able to grow your own medicines. In this article, we will discuss the use of herbs for healing and make recommendations for the best and most useful
herbs to plant in your survival garden. Read on to learn more.
